Currency, financing, financial system and uneven regional development trajectories: the post-Keynesian perspective

Vol. 18 No. 1 (1998)

Jan-Mar / 1998
Published January 1, 1998
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
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How to Cite

Amado, Adriana M. 1998. “Currency, Financing, Financial System and Uneven Regional Development Trajectories: The Post-Keynesian Perspective”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 18 (1):76-90.

Currency, financing, financial system and uneven regional development trajectories: the post-Keynesian perspective

Adriana M. Amado
Departamento de Economia da Universidade de Brasília – UnB, Brasília/DF, Brasil.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 18 No. 1 (1998), Jan-Mar / 1998, Pages 76-90


The paper examines the roles that money and the financial system play at the
regional level. We have our analysis based on post-Keynesian monetary theory and, most
precisely, on the models developed by Dow. These models demonstrate a self-perpetuating
process that tends to amplify initial inequalities at the regional level. The financial behavior
of agents tends to generate a process of banking concentration which reinforces regional
real disparities.

JEL: Classification: G28; G21; E12; R19.

Keywords: bank concentration post-Keynesianism regional development public banks