Natureza econômica de uma catástrofe natural: caracteristicas e impacto da seca nordestina de 1979-80

Vol. 6 No. 1 (1986)

Jan-Mar / 1986
Published January 1, 1986

How to Cite

Cavalcanti, Clóvis. 1986. “Natureza econômica De Uma catástrofe Natural: Caracteristicas E Impacto Da Seca Nordestina De 1979-80”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 6 (1).

Natureza econômica de uma catástrofe natural: caracteristicas e impacto da seca nordestina de 1979-80

Clóvis Cavalcanti
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 6 No. 1 (1986), Jan-Mar / 1986, Pages


The paper assesses the socio-economic nature of the 1979/80 drought in the Northeast on the basis of a survey conducted by the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation. It purports to show the essence of the difficulties that a drought brings to the population of its official victims — those enrolled in the Emergency Program coordinated by SUDENE, a sample of which was interviewed. A conclusion of the study reveals that the effects of a drought are more intense, the poorer the affected social strata. Another conclusion indicates that the official refugees’ production of subsistence crops had a decline of around 70 percent in 1978/80.