The history of Brazilian duality

Vol. 1 No. 4 (1981)

Oct-Dec / 1981
Published October 1, 1981
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How to Cite

Rangel, Ignacio. 1981. “The History of Brazilian Duality”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 1 (4):397-423.

The history of Brazilian duality

Ignacio Rangel
Autor de A Inflação Brasileira e A Dualidade Básica da Economia Brasileira e vários outros livros. Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1 No. 4 (1981), Oct-Dec / 1981, Pages 397-423


By the time of the discovery of America, Europe was still amid the transition between
Feudalism and Capitalism. This paper focus on the many dichotomies the Brazilian
economy underwent after the interaction between feudal and capitalist structures.

JEL Classification: P51; P10; N46.

Keywords: Feudalism capitalism economic history of Brazil peripherical capitalist development