Critical notes on Thomas Pikettys The Capital in the XXI Century
This article aims to analyze some aspects of the latest book by Thomas Piketty, "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" from a Marxist point of view. The relationships that underlie his long-term analysis of the unequal distribution of income and wealth are addressed, his concepts of capital and long-term, as well as his interpretation of Marx's thought. The article also raised some problems in his database. The analysis takes as its starting point the critic ism made by some renowned Marxist authors such as Michel Husson, David Harvey and Yanis Varoufakis, as well as Robert Boyer. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted the fact that Piketty’s study is the ortically poorly grounded.
JEL Classification: B51; O15; P16.
Keywords: Thomas Piketty inequality distribution of income and wealth capitalism