Profits and votes: entrepreneurs and the government in Brazilian housing policy

Vol. 35 No. 4 (2015)

Oct-Dec / 2015
Published October 1, 2015

How to Cite

Cielici Dias, Edney. 2015. “Profits and Votes: Entrepreneurs and the Government in Brazilian Housing Policy”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 35 (4):763-79.

Profits and votes: entrepreneurs and the government in Brazilian housing policy

Edney Cielici Dias
PhD student, Departamento de Ciência Política da Universidade de São Paulo,
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 35 No. 4 (2015), Oct-Dec / 2015, Pages 763-779


After more than twenty years of low housing construction output, the housing policy recovered its momentum in the country with the ascent of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers’ Party, PT) to the seat of the federal government. This article demonstrates – through the analysis of documents, interviews and research conducted with businessmen – that the impetus of such a state policy is a part of the PT electoral strategy, which is based on economic growth and the expansion of social programs. The research analyses the dovetailing of interests between the Lula (the Brazilian President from 2003 to 2010) administration and the civil construction business – the latter concerned with expanding its business, and the former with increasing the supply of jobs and the level of economic activity. This process culminated in the launching of the largest social housing program to be implemented in the country. Minha Casa, Minha Vida (My House, My Life), is a project in whose planning building companies played a key role, performing feasibility studies and carrying out social housing projects.

JEL Classification: H53; R31.

Keywords: public policy housing policy business interests agenda setting Lula administration