Addressing rural development discussions in Brazil: context and issues of debate

Vol. 30 No. 3 (2010)

Jul-Sep / 2010
Published July 1, 2010
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
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How to Cite

Schneider, Sergio. 2010. “Addressing Rural Development Discussions in Brazil: Context and Issues of Debate”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 30 (3):511-31.

Addressing rural development discussions in Brazil: context and issues of debate

Sergio Schneider
Professor da UFRGS, Departamento de Sociologia e membro permanente dos Programas de Pós‑Graduação em Sociologia e Desenvolvimento Rural. Bolsista PQ‑CNPq.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 30 No. 3 (2010), Jul-Sep / 2010, Pages 511-531


The work analyzes the main theoretical trends and subjects that integrate the recent Brazilian debate about rural development. We agued that the agenda of the rural development in Brazil, on which actively participate scholars, organizations and institutions, have been formulated by the State and the public politics implemented since the beginning of the 1990. Among the factors that had influenced the emergency of the debate about rural development is distinguished the increasing social and political legitimating of family farming and the agrarian reform, the reorientation of the state policies, the increasing sharply political and ideological quarrels with the agribusiness wing and the matters about sustainability. It is also argued that the analytical and interpretative references that have being used by the scholars are still diffuse and varied, but has been capable to influence the policy makers.

JEL Classification: Q18; Z1; Q38; B25.

Keywords: rural development State policies family farming social theory