How to Cite
Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos, Francisco de Oliveira, Yoshiaki Nakano, Fernando Ferrari Filho, José Serra, Pedro Malan, Marco Maciel, Arturo Guillén R., and Ricardo Bielschowsky. 2005. “Articles in the Press on Celso Furtado”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 25 (2):138-56.
Articles in the press on Celso Furtado
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Francisco de Oliveira
Yoshiaki Nakano
Fernando Ferrari Filho
José Serra
Pedro Malan
Marco Maciel
Arturo Guillén R.
Ricardo Bielschowsky
Celso Furtado died on November 20, 2004, in Rio de Janeiro. Here we publish some of the articles that were immediately published in the press about his life and work.
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