Taxation and distribution of income in Brazil: new evidence from personal income tax data

Vol. 37 No. 2 (2017)

Apr-Jun / 2017
Published February 26, 2020

How to Cite

Wulff Gobetti, Sérgio, and Rodrigo Octávio Orair. 2017. “Taxation and Distribution of Income in Brazil: New Evidence from Personal Income Tax Data”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 37 (2):267-86.

Taxation and distribution of income in Brazil: new evidence from personal income tax data

Sérgio Wulff Gobetti
Técnico de Planejamento e Pesquisa do IPEA.
Rodrigo Octávio Orair
Técnico de Planejamento e Pesquisa do IPEA e pesquisador associado ao International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG).
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 37 No. 2 (2017), Apr-Jun / 2017, Pages 267-286


This paper presents a critical analysis of income and profit taxes in Brazil, arguing that measures adopted in the 1980s and 1990s, as a result of mainstream recommendations, hindered the redistributive role of taxes. An examination of tax data reveals a high degree of top income concentration, low tax progressivity and violations of the principles of horizontal and vertical equity. The main reason for these distortions is the complete tax exemption of dividends, a benefit that is very rarely seen in developed countries. We propose a return to a progressivity-focused tax reform plan, a theme that has returned as a focus of debates with Piketty (2014) 

JEL classification: H24; N46; E62.

Keywords: Income tax tax progressivity tax reform income distribution tax data