Methodological approaches to measuring quality of life

Vol. 42 No. 2 (2022)

Apr-Jun / 2022
Published May 5, 2022

How to Cite

Guliyeva, Aygun. 2022. “Methodological Approaches to Measuring Quality of Life”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 42 (2):364-77.

Methodological approaches to measuring quality of life

Aygun Guliyeva
Azerbaijan University of Cooperation, Bakı, Azerbaijan.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 42 No. 2 (2022), Apr-Jun / 2022, Pages 364-377


The ultimate goal of the present work lay in creating a vector methodology for
measuring QoL. Application of an integrated approach to the results of the classification
analysis and SWOT analysis enabled elaborating a vector methodology of a recommendatory
type aimed at improving QoL measurement approaches. It was established that this
methodology should include four major updates taking into account the challenges of
tomorrow. The study results may be of interest to public authorities responsible for taking
measures directed at raising the country’s international ranking as well as be used for
reducing contradictions on the part of QoL measuring procedures.

JEL Classification: I14; O15; Q56.

Keywords: Human development quality of life measurement sustainability well-being