Varieties of capitalism, growth and redistribution in Asia and Latin America

Vol. 38 No. 2 (2018)

Apr-Jun / 2018
Published February 26, 2020

How to Cite

Bizberg, Ilan. 2018. “Varieties of Capitalism, Growth and Redistribution in Asia and Latin America”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 38 (2):261-79.

Varieties of capitalism, growth and redistribution in Asia and Latin America

Ilan Bizberg
Centro de Estudios Internacionales, El Colegio del Mexico – COLMEX, Mexico. Associate member CADIS/EHESS, Paris, France.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 38 No. 2 (2018), Apr-Jun / 2018, Pages 261-279


Both Latin America and Asia observed an impressive growth of their economies from the turn of the century until 2013. One of the differences between Asia and Latin America is that while redistribution and social security increased significantly in the second and growth was accompanied by reduced inequality, in Asia we have seen the contrary, increasing inequality, a more inefficient and decreasing social protection and no intent to redistribute. This paper wants to answer in what respects the mode of development of Asia, as characterized mainly by China, is more sustainable than the one followed by Latin America. 

JEL Classification: P5.

Keywords: Diversity of capitalisms Latin America Asia redistribution sustainability