Crescimento desigualitário em uma economia subdesenvolvida - O caso do Brasil

v. 5 n. 2 (1985)

Apr-Jun / 1985
Publicado em abril 1, 1985
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Sadoulet, Elisabeth. 1985. “Crescimento desigualitário Em Uma Economia Subdesenvolvida - O Caso Do Brasil”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 5 (2).

Crescimento desigualitário em uma economia subdesenvolvida - O caso do Brasil

Elisabeth Sadoulet
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 5 n. 2 (1985), Apr-Jun / 1985, Pages


The industrialization policy executed in several developing countries (Brazil and Mexico, for example) produced an unusually fast growth of these economies, when such policy succeeded. Nevertheless, the recent evolution shows that the main problems were not really solved. Through the development of a model, this paper studies at length the mechanism of social disarticulation, which is understood as the incapacity of the modern sector to promote the development of the whole economy, particularly in the Brazilian case (from 1968 to 1973), at the top of what was then called “the Brazilian miracle”.