A difusão da indústria nuclear - considerações preliminares aos programas latino-americanos

v. 3 n. 4 (1983)

Oct-Dec / 1983
Publicado em outubro 1, 1983
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Galvan, Cesare G. 1983. “A difusão Da Indústria Nuclear - considerações Preliminares Aos Programas Latino-Americanos”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 3 (4). https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org.br/repojs/index.php/journal/article/view/1944.

A difusão da indústria nuclear - considerações preliminares aos programas latino-americanos

Cesare G. Galvan
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 3 n. 4 (1983), Oct-Dec / 1983, Pages


The diffusion of nuclear technology means more a development of a large network of activities (e.g., capital goods, construction, metallurgical and chemical industries) than a path for solving energy problems. Its ties with the arms race cause specific non-proli-feration problems. A dose state-capital articulation emerges, which strengthens the subsumption of labour and introduces new processes of social control. Already ful-filled investments give impulse to this tendency. The Tlatelolco regime, banishing nuclear weapons from Latin America, seems to establish a pre-condition for a regional solution to the problems thus arising. But, besides the imperfect adhesion to the Treaty, technical and political reasons obstruct a regional integration of the nuclear fuel cycle. Among other things, a lack of regional integration in other industries makes nuclear expansion more dependent on extra-regional techno-logical ties.