The Proálcool biofuels program in the context of the Brazilian energy strategy

Vol. 11 No. 2 (1991)

Apr-Jun / 1991
Published April 1, 1991
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Nitsch, Manfred. 1991. “The Proálcool Biofuels Program in the Context of the Brazilian Energy Strategy”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 11 (2):274-99.

The Proálcool biofuels program in the context of the Brazilian energy strategy

Manfred Nitsch
Professor de Economia Política da América Latina. Latinamerika – Institut Freie Universität Berlin, República Federal da Alemanha.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 11 No. 2 (1991), Apr-Jun / 1991, Pages 274-299


The biofuel programme was started in 1975 and greatly enhanced in 1979/81 as
a reaction to the price hikes of oil and the simultaneous price drops of sugar. It never became
economically viable, but has always owed its existence to state support which, in tum was
vindicated by the powerful sugar interests. Since only Otto engine (not Diesel) motors can be
driven by alcohol, the individual passenger car traffic with its well-known waste of energy
turns out to be highly subsidized in Brazil, in spite of the country’s serious overall energy
shortage. Future prospects for biofuel are generally bleak, for even with steeply rising oil
prices energy in the form of food is bound to be more expensive than energy for heating and
transport so that mineral coal and wood are much more probable candidates as fuel sources
than sugarcane and edible oils, once the era of oil comes to its end.

JEL Classification: Q29; L72.

Keywords: Fuel biofuel etanol Proálcool