Reflexões sobre os limites e potencialidades econômicas da democratização

Vol. 6 No. 1 (1986)

Jan-Mar / 1986
Published January 1, 1986

How to Cite

Fajnzylber, Fernando. 1986. “Reflexões Sobre Os Limites E Potencialidades econômicas Da democratização”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 6 (1).

Reflexões sobre os limites e potencialidades econômicas da democratização

Fernando Fajnzylber
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 6 No. 1 (1986), Jan-Mar / 1986, Pages


The democratization in Latin America can assert a new paradigm of development for the region. This hypothesis is considered from the analysis of both external and internal economic challenges, and from the democratization’s economic potentialities. The greatest challenge is transcending those modalities of economic, social and political orga-nization, which originated the authoritarism and its various modalities. The democratization’s intermediate and long time potentialities are analyzed in the circuit of social innovation, creative-ness, public administration and regional integration, excluding the neoliberal conceptions in “Cone Sul” in order to suggest a new ways and means to progress.