Reflections on the progressivity of the pension policy in Brazil: a contribution to the debate

Vol. 43 No. 3 (2023)

Jul-Sep / 2023
Published August 11, 2023
Portuguese-PDF (Português (Brasil))
Portuguese-PDF (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Afonso, Luís Eduardo, Otávio José Guerci Sidone, and Geraldo Andrade da Silva Filho. 2023. “Reflections on the Progressivity of the Pension Policy in Brazil: A Contribution to the Debate”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 43 (3):706-22.

Reflections on the progressivity of the pension policy in Brazil: a contribution to the debate

Luís Eduardo Afonso
Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, São Paulo/SP, Brasil.
Otávio José Guerci Sidone
Secretaria de Previdência do Ministério do Trabalho e Previdência, Brasília/DF, Brasil.
Geraldo Andrade da Silva Filho
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada – IPEA, Brasília/DF, Brasil.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 43 No. 3 (2023), Jul-Sep / 2023, Pages 706-722


This article makes a reflection on the progressivity of the pension policy in Brazil,
based on the debate between Hoffmann (2021) and Cardoso et al. (2021a, 2021b) published
in REP. The adequacy and equity dimensions should occupy a prominent space in this analysis.
The empirical literature, through the calculation of the Replacement Rate and the Internal Rate
of Return, provides evidence about progressivity of old-age benefits of RGPS, in the dimensions
of income, sex, education and type of benefit. As for the federal RPPS, there is less clear
evidence of progressivity in terms of sex, and evidence of regressivity in terms of income.

JEL Classification: H55; D63; J26.

Keywords: Pension system progressivity distributive aspects adequacy equity