O nordeste brasileiro, contraponto inacabado da acumulação?

v. 3 n. 3 (1983)

Jul-Sep / 1983
Publicado em julho 1, 1983
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Como Citar

Ferreira, Assuéro. 1983. “O Nordeste Brasileiro, Contraponto Inacabado Da acumulação?”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 3 (3). https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org.br/repojs/index.php/journal/article/view/1935.

O nordeste brasileiro, contraponto inacabado da acumulação?

Assuéro Ferreira
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 3 n. 3 (1983), Jul-Sep / 1983, Pages


The first part of this article analyzes the mechanism of regional subordina-tion which had its start in the thirties. This mechanism tended to strengthen the structural factors, which inhibited an internal dynamic. Later it seeks to explain how this subordination was consolidated in a higher stage of monopoly capitalism where the State was fundamental element, which made this policy viable. It concludes by examining the limits of the reproduction of capital on a regional level from the perspective of a dif-ferentiated and limited geographical space.