Dívida externa e alternativas de desenvolvimento na américa latina

v. 5 n. 3 (1985)

Jul-Sep / 1985
Publicado em julho 1, 1985
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Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo. 1985. “Dívida Externa E Alternativas De Desenvolvimento Na américa Latina”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 5 (3). https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org.br/repojs/index.php/journal/article/view/1857.

Dívida externa e alternativas de desenvolvimento na américa latina

Ricardo Ffrench-Davis
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 5 n. 3 (1985), Jul-Sep / 1985, Pages


The document proposes that the origin of the foreign debt problem faced by developing countries be found in the way international capital markets work. A mistaken optimistic view concerning financial market’s behaviour in the 70’ might extend for many years, since debtor nations have adapted their economic structures to a great amount of external funds; on the contrary, a shortage of funds is expected in this decade’s last years. These tendencies will deeply mark social and economic performances of most countries in this region. Some of the main options that these nations will be forced to face are analyzed in this text. Apart from the imperative need to fight for a change in the way foreign debt has been renegotiated, it is also necessary to reorganize their external economic policies. This occurs through the intensification of economic cooperation among debtor nations and through initiating a new phase of import’s substitution now being coordinated by means of import’s expansion. Some facts responsible for a better capacity of handling and adjusting different countries according to the economic strategies they have adopted in the past and to the political situation each country has to face are also demonstrated here.