Auge e declínio nos anos setenta

v. 3 n. 2 (1983)

Apr-Jun / 1983
Publicado em abril 1, 1983
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Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos. 1983. “Auge E declínio Nos Anos Setenta”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 3 (2).

Auge e declínio nos anos setenta

Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 3 n. 2 (1983), Apr-Jun / 1983, Pages


Analysis of the Brazilian economy between 1970 and 1982, focusing on its cyclical nature. After a short analysis of the economy ‘s expansion up to 1974, the author discusses alternative theories for the reversion of the cycle. With the subsequent slowdown of economic growth we have inflation and an explosive increase in the foreign debt. Finally the article analyses the 1981-1982 recession, and the underlying distributive crisis.