By the time of the discovery of America, Europe was still amid the transition between
Feudalism and Capitalism. This paper focus on the many dichotomies the Brazilian
economy underwent after the interaction between feudal and capitalist structures.
JEL Classification: P51; P10; N46.
Brazil emerged from the 1970s with growing exports and imports without major
commercial disequilibria and expansion of international reserves. With the oil shock of
1974, this came to an end with commercial deficits. This paper discusses the dynamics of the
external commercial relations of Brazil and alternatives to deal with the debt crisis.
JEL Classification: F14; F41; O24.
Brazil’s foreign debt reached such a position that it is hard to prospect a solution.
This article traces back the origins of this debt and analyzes the main dangers to the solution
of the crisis, namely, protectionism, short-term lending, and consumerism in indebted
JEL Classification: F14; F41; O24.
1980 could be considered as the end of the growth phase that came after the
Brazilian economic “miracle”. High inflation, crisis in the balance of payments and a challenging
international scenario point to a difficult path for Brazil. This article presents some
analyses of the current scenario, of the government policy responses and what are the prospects
for the future whilst criticizing the orthodox responses.
JEL Classification: E31; O11; E60.
The dismal situation the Brazilian economy faces with high unemployment and
sluggish growth is foremost a result of the government’s policy of recession. This note reflects
the government plans, with special attention to the income distribution effects of inflation.
JEL Classification: E31; O11; E60; E51.
The Brazilian economy has been registering high levels of unemployment and
output decrease. This is the result of bad policy decisions. This note discusses government responses
from a critical perspective.
JEL Classification: E31; O11; E60; E51.
The author will release soon a new book “Análise Macroecônomica: Uma
Perspectiva Brasileira” focusing on the macroeconomic analysis of semi-industrialized economies,
such as the Brazilian one. This note reflects the methodological options used in the
writing of the book.
JEL Classification: A20; Y30; E00; E60.
This comment is a reply to the response of Belluzzo and Tavares to the author’s
article published in previous number of this journal. It goes back to the critical point of insufficiency
of effective demand.
JEL Classification: Y30; E12; E13; E10.
This is a response to Adroaldo Moura da Silva’s article “Inflação: reflexões à
margem de experiência brasileira” published in this journal. Our view is that the author’s
proposition needs to be amended, with special attention to the real causes of inflation and
present an alternative solution to the inflationary process in Brazil.
JEL Classification: E31; E51; E52.
This is a response to Adroaldo Moura da Silva’s article “Inflação: reflexões à
margem de experiência brasileira” published in this journal, with special attention to the author’s
eclectic methodological point of view and the polemic about the need to cut internal
JEL Classification: E31; E51; E52.
This is a response to both Bresser-Pereira and Nakano, and Coutinho and Souza
criticism to the author’s piece “Inflação: reflexões à margem de experiência brasileira”. The
author keeps its initial position while responding to the main points of the other authors’
JEL Classification: E31; E51; E52.